The easy BabalonBOOKS Step-by-Step Guide
1. Read our website to learn about requirements and services.
2. Get a free and instant on-line quote of what the publishing costs will be for your book project.
3. Contact us with any questions.
4. Register/Sign-up for a BabalonBOOKS account on self-publish-books.com or download the registration forms and proceed to step 6.
5. Check your e-mail within the next 24 - 48 hours to receive your sign-up / account creation forms in the e-mail.
6. Fill out the form online or download the fillable pdf and return via e-mail to us.
7. Once we receive your form, your account representative will be authorized to send you the activation links via e-mail.
8. Activate your account by clicking the link provided. Your account is now registered.
9. Log-in to your Author portal account and track your account progress.
The Full-Service Method
At no extra cost, your account representative takes you by the hand. You will e-mail/upload your manuscript and/or images for your cover, and your account representative will return to you with a design for your approval. We design your book cover with or without your own images!
Before you begin:
Make sure you've manuscript is complete and ready to be published. Refer to the Tutorials section or contact us for any questions you may have.
Quick Step-by-Step
1. Sign up / register here or download the forms, fill out and return to us via e-mail.
2. Wait for activation link from account representative.
3. Log-in to your Author Portal Account.
4. Upload your book text file (word, pdf, indd, ocd, txt, html, xml)
5. Upload your images for book cover (if any) or let us design it for you.
6. Receive you proofs / mocks.
6. Perfect / tweak...
7. Approve.
The UPLOAD Method
The UPLOAD Method : Download / Upload via our templates
Before you begin:
Make sure you've reviewed the Quick Step Guide, How To: Working with your Interior File and How To: Working with your cover template file. Refer to the Tutorials section or contact us for any questions you may have.
Quick Step-by-Step
1 - Choose the sort of book you want (Hardcover / Softcover / Color Interior, etc.). For more information on our book offerings, please go here.
2 - Download the template package specific to your book choice. Your template package will contain templates for the cover and the interior of your book.
3 - Prepare your cover template and interior template until you are satisfied. Make sure you've followed the guidelines and that you are happy with the way you're book looks. (It's often helpful to print a couple of pages out and crop them to size to see how the pages would look in your book. See Tutorials Section for other tips.) Check for spelling and grammar errors. Make sure all images used are 300 DPI.
4 - Once you are absolutely sure you are done, you may upload your book cover and book interior files here, or email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
OPT - If you've signed on for marketing and distribution services, a customer representative will get back to you on your account set up and how you can keep track of sales.
1 - We market your book
2 - You receive royalties on sales
Using your cover template file
The template file has been designed to meet the specific format of your project. Layouts, guides, margins, footer, headers must not be moved.
Blue Guides (Bleed) You will want your background cover image to cover the entirety of this area. Any important images or Title text should NOT be in this area. Bleeding or margins may be trimmed so background images ONLY should extend to entirety of this area!
Grey Guides (Margins) The Grey area is outside the permissible area. Put whatever text or image(s) you want featured on your cover within the center area and rest easy that it will not be trimmed. |
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How to use your BabalonBOOK™ Cover image template file:
Step 1. Open the Cover image template using the image-editing program of your choice.
Step 2. Make sure NOT to move the template layer. Lock the template layer if possible.
Step 3. Paste the image(s) you want, re-sizing and placing them until you are satisfied with the result. Remember NOT to move the template layer. This is a WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) system, which means your cover will end up looking like your template so make sure you are happy with it!
Step 4. Make sure to keep important text and images out of the grey and blue areas as well.
Step 5. Turn off the visibility of the PNG Cover image template layer.
Step 6. Save your file as a PNG or JPG.
Step 7. Upload the cover images into your customer account on BabalonBooks.com.
Using Your Interior Content Template File
The Word document we’ve included has been designed to fit the specifics of your project. Care must be taken in NOT moving the layout guides and following instructions properly. The layout, margins, headers, footers, gutters and page numbering have all been set up for you and must not be changed. (You may change the dimensions of your book, by starting a new project and downloading the appropriate template files).
How to Use
Step 1. Make sure you download the template that matches your book size and type.
Step 2. Open the document with your Microsoft Word or OpenOffice application.
Step 3. Copy / paste the contents of your project into the template. Be careful not to change the margin, header or footer settings in the template.
Step 4. Choose the font, text style and text size you want for your book until you’re happy with the ‘look and feel’ of your book. (see how to) Remember: This is a WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) system, which means your cover will end up looking like your template so make sure you are happy with it!
Step 5. Get the total page count. (see How to get my page count ).
Step 6. Enter page count into project details page on the Self-Publish-Books site.
Step 7. Save your file as a Microsoft word document or OpenOffice document.
Step 8. Upload template with book interior into your Self-Publish-Books customer account.
OPTIONAL (for color books)
If you are printing a full color book with graphical content, you may wish to generate a pdf with your images embedded. If this is the case, then proceed with steps 8-10.
Step 9. Convert your file to pdf using our simple print-to-pdf application: Download >> the print-to-pdf application here. Follow the menu instructions to install the print-to-pdf driver. (See How to install print-to-pdf driver.)
You can find more information on how to print to pdf using our driver in our Tutorial & FAQ sections. Please read our Color Considerations section carefully.
How to change Document Size in Microsoft Word
First, select Page Setup… from the File menu.
When the Page Setup dialog box appears, click on the Paper tab.
Under the Paper size: section, click on the arrow in the drop down box that says Letter (may vary depending on installation language and country version). There are plenty of defined paper sizes and envelope sizes preconfigured for you, among which are Legal size, A4, and various envelopes; it helps if you know the name of the paper you are using. Make your selection by highlighting it. If your paper size is not in the list, select Custom (all the way at the bottom of the list).
Your dimensions will appear in the Width and Height selection boxes. If you selected Custom size, you must specify the dimensions by highlighting the entries in the boxes and typing the sizes in inches (the “ is not required) or by using the arrows to change the size using Word’s predetermined increments.
If you are applying the change to the entire document, click the OK button at the bottom of the dialog box.
If you want to apply the change from the cursor position forward only, click the arrow in the drop down box beneath Apply to in the Preview section, highlight This point forward and then click the OK button.
Also, you can apply it to a page or two in the middle of the document if you choose. Simply highlight the selection you want to change before you open the Page Setup dialog box. Follow the steps above. Before you click the OK button, click on the drop down box beneath Apply to in the Preview section. Selected text has replaced the This point forward option.
Highlight Selected text and then click the OK button.
Word 2007: How to Change Paper Size
You can change the paper size of your document through the Page Layout tab, Page Setup group. Clicking the Size button will give you a list of preset paper sizes.
If none of those presets fit your needs, you can create a custom paper size by choosing the More Paper Sizes at the very bottom of the Size list. It will open the Page Setup box, where you can set a custom paper size through the Paper tab’s Paper size section. The list of preset page sizes is the same as the list in the Size button.
How to Change Font Size in Word 2007
Font size is considered a text format in Word 2007. You can choose the size of your text, from indecipherably small to monstrously huge. Text size is measured by the point, where one point is equal to 1/72 inch.
Here are some point pointers:
• The bigger the point size, the larger the text.
• Most text is either 10 or 12 points tall.
• Headings are typically 14 to 24 points tall.
• Most fonts can be sized from 1 point to 1,638 points. Point sizes smaller than 6 are generally too small for a human to read.
• Seventy-two points is equal to 1-inch-high letters (roughly).
Here’s how to adjust font size in your Word 2007 document:
1. Click the Home tab to find the Font group.
Just to the right of the Font box is the Size box, which shows the font size.
2. Display the font size list.
Select a font size from this list.
Clicking the down arrow displays a list of font sizes for your text.
3. Preview the new text size.
Point the mouse at an item on the font size list. The word under the insertion pointer, or a selected block of text, is updated on the screen to reflect the new size.
4. Click to choose a size, or press Esc to cancel.
The font size list shows only common text sizes. To set the text size to something not listed or to something specific, type that value into the Size box. For example, to set the font size to 11.5 points, click in the Size box and type 11.5.
Read more: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-change-font-size-in-word-2007.html#ixzz1JXT9Wirh
Add Page Numbers to Documents in Word 2007 & 2010
If you’re creating a large document with several pages you might want to add page numbers to keep them in order. We show you how to add page numbers on your documents in Word 2007 & 2010.
Add Page Numbers in 2007.
To add page numbers, open your Word document and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon and select Page Number. From here select where you want the page numbers to appear in the document and choose from the gallery of page number formats
In this example we selected the “Bold Numbers 1” format for the Footer, and after selected they will appear in the document.
After you’ve selected the page number format Headers & Footer Tools open in the Design tab. From here you can change different options such as Different Odd & Even Pages.
If you go to Print Preview, you can see how the page numbers will look when the document is printed out. If it doesn’t look how you like it, you can close out of Print Preview and choose another.
The process is virtually identical in Word 2010 as well.
The only difference is when you view it in Print Preview, you’ll have more options offered in Backstage view.
That is really all there is to it. The next time you have a large document with several pages, you’ll be able to insert page numbers to help people keep track of the data.
Getting Pagecount for Documents in Word 2007 & 2010
Getting your pagecount is easy. Usually it is visible at the bottom of your screen:
If you can't see it, or your document is divided into sections, they can get the pagecount by going to your ribbon and selecting "Review"
After you’ve selected "Review" you should see the word count button. Go ahead and click it. A small window will pop-up. Please take note of the pagecount totals.
After you've downloaded and installed our doPDF, it becomes very simple to create PDF files. Creating your BabalonBOOKS upload files is just a click away.
Follow the menu instructions to install the print-to-pdf driver.
Creating your uploadable files via the virtual PDF printer, doPDF
Just follow these steps:
1. Open the document that you want to convert to a PDF file (just double click on it).
2. Once opened in the default viewer for that type, File->Print and select doPDF from the Printers' list.
3-5. Select the type and format of your book from the drop down doPDF menu.
Open the document you want to convert (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPad, NotePad or any printable document), choose Print and select doPDF from the list of printers. You will be asked where to save the PDF file and when finished, the PDF will be automatically opened with your default PDF reader.
The screenshots below shows how easy it is to create a PDF file from Microsoft Word (word to pdf):
Choosing the type and format of your book in the doPDF application.
Bring up the properties tab of your doPDF application by clicking on Properties
4. Choose your book size
5. Remember to select the following options: 300 dpi, 100% scale and Portrait Orientation
HIT Print and your done!
A copyright page like an ISBN will only be necessary if you intend to distribute or market your book. If your book is for personal use only or to give out as gifts, then you won't need to register the book with the relevant authorities or have us do it for you.
The copyright page is usually on the back of the title page, and contains the copyright statement, library cataloguing information, credits for photography, design, page layout, and printing, as well as contact information for the publisher and distributor.
The Copyright Statement
In Canada, to register a copyright you print a copyright statement inside the book. This copyright will be recognized in many countries. The copyright statement includes the copyright symbol (©) followed by the year and the name of the holder of the copyright (usually the author). For more information go to the Canadian Copyright Act.
In the United States you can register a copyright by going to the U.S. Copyright Office.
The copyright statement usually goes on the reverse side of the title page.
An ISBN will only be necessary if you intend to distribute or market your book. If your book is for personal use only or to give out as gifts, then you can register the book with the relevant authorities or have us to do it for you.
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identification number that is used by libraries and booksellers the world over to order your book or get distribution information on it. Once again, you will only need an ISBN if you intend to market your book
To get an ISBN you need to apply to the ISBN agency in your country. In Canada, go to the National Library. In the United States go to isbn.org.
It is easy to do so, but if you like, once more: we can do it for you! To learn more about our marketing services please click here.
New account set-up requires that you order at least 15 copies on your first print run. After your account is set up, you will be able to order as many or as little copies as you like.

This document contains information on creating industry standard print pdf files. For those who wish to bypass our file creation process, and have experience with creating industry quality printable materials, you may create your pdf print files directly and upload them via your account page.
If you are uploading your own PDF, follow these guidelines:
- Fully embed all fonts used in the document. Take care that all fonts are only embedded once. Subsetted fonts over multiple pages can cause problems when your PDF is rasterized for print. Your document may be printed with symbols instead of fonts, garbled text or missing text.
- Set compatibility mode to PDF 1.3 (PDF 1.3 does not support transparencies and will flatten them when creating the PDF).
- Leave the PDF's colorspace in its original profile. Do not convert CMYK to RGB or vice versa.
- Solid blacks will print solid at 100% with no other colors added. If you do add colors to improve the richness of the black, TAC (total area coverage) should never exceed 270%.
- Avoid very light color builds of less than 20%. Below 20% tint variation is very difficult to control on a consistent basis.
- Turn off Overprint and Simulate Overprint
- The PDF filesize should not exceed 700MB
- If your image DPI is greater than 300, downsample to 300 DPI.
- Flatten your images.
- Flatten all transparancies.
- Do not use any security / password protection. The printer will not be able to print the PDF.
- Image compression should be set to ZIP if you want lossless (no artifacts/distortion-free) images. To reduce filesize, use JPEG -> High. Do not use CCITT or LZW compression. LZW compression creates multi-strip images, which may show white lines when printed.
- If you are printing a color book that has black & white images in it, the black & white images should have the colorspace set to grayscale.
- The gamma of a grayscale image should be between 2.2 and 2.4.

Front Cover usually includes a photograph or illustration, book title and subtitle, author's name.
Back Cover: Can include an excerpt from or summary of the book, commentary, author photo and bio.
If you are looking to market your book, you will probably also want to include a UPC bar, an ISBN and a price on the cover. We can take care of this for you, so let us know!
In the meantime, you will need to find a good quality photo or illustration for the front cover. “Good quality” means a resolution of at least 300dpi (dots-per-inch). You can find the dpi by looking at the file properties of the image in your graphics editing software.