Copyright, ISBN Filing and Management
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
ISBN or International Standard Book Number is a unique identification number that is used by libraries and booksellers the world over to order your book or get distribution information on it.
If you intend to market it your book and have it distributed by retailers, then an ISBN along with a scanner-readable UPC code (for cash registering and inventory controls) will be absolutely necessary.
If you have signed up for marketing and distribution services with us, then we will assign and ISBN and file it with the appropriate authorities and government agencies. This is done FREE of cost and is part of the sales and marketing package of services. If you have opted out of our Marketing and Sales service, then we can still file an ISBN for you if you need it. Contact your account representative to learn more.
Here’s what you get:
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An ISBN will only be necessary if you intend to distribute or market your book. If your book is for personal use only or to give out as gifts, then you won’t need to register the book with the relevant authorities or have us to do it for you.
Copyright is a legal filing or registration that attests the ownership of a creative work. As the author of your work, you are always owner of the copyright. By filing an ISBN and copyright certificates, you are legally affirming and protecting your rights if a second part were to contest them or attempt to profit from them. Here’s what you get:
Though a copyright page like an ISBN will only be necessary if you intend to distribute or market your book, it is still a good idea if you want to protect yourself later from copyright infringement. If your book is for personal use only or to give out as gifts, then you won’t need to register the book with the relevant authorities or have us do it for you. |