Self-Publishing Cost Estimation

Want to know how much it costs to become an independently published author? - Use our no-obligation cost estimator below to get an idea of what it costs to get your customized book into print or digital format. When you are ready to bring your book to life, simply click the Get Started Today button to create a free account with us. Your book manager will contact you shortly to assist you with the next steps in setting up your account with us, or to answer any questions you may have. We also encourage you to contact us with any concerns or special requests. Simply use the Contact Us box to ask.

1. You will be able to order copies whenever you like after your account is set up with us. You pay only printing + shipping costs. You can also use us to ship directly to your customers!
2. There are no minimum quantities after your account is set-up. You can order single copies or thousands of copies!
3. Orders of 50-100 copies receive a 10% discount; orders of 101-200 copies get a 20% discount; and a 35% discount for 201-500 copies. Please contact us for orders of 500+ copies.
4. You get a free ISBN and UPC Barcode if you've selected to market your book through us.
5. All book covers are in full-color whether interior content is color, premium color or black and white.
6. Prices are the same whether you choose creme or white paper for your interior, and whether you choose matte or gloss finish for your covers.



Cost to Print

What is the PAGE count of your book? *See FAQ.
Select your book interior type below: *For print books only
How many copies would you like?
If you are ordering 50 copies or more then deduct 10%; 100-200 copies deduct 20%; 201-500 copies or more deduct 35%. Please contact us for orders of 500+ copies

Want more information?

E-Book Creation

Which formats would you like your file to be in?
Would you like us to sell / distribute your e-book through the major retailers?

Want more information?

One-time Set-up Fees

(You pay these only once for each new title you set up with us)


What sort of book are you registering with us?

Optional Services


Do you need editing services (spelling, grammar and fact-checking)?


Would you like to have your book crafted by our professional designers and graphic artists (interior + book cover)?

* For print books only. E-books marketing costs are already included above.

Would you like us to make your book available to major retail and on-line stores?


* You get a free ISBN and UPC Barcode if you've selected to market your book through us.
*All book covers are in full-color whether interior content is color or black and white.
*Prices are the same whether you choose creme or white paper for your interior, and whether you choose matte or gloss finish for your covers.







Questions? Contact US is a division of BabalonBOOKS-book publishing and distribution. Customers may opt for additional editing, design, marketing and distribution services offered by the BabalonBOOKS group of companies.